Iranian academics & writers condemn the attack against Salman Rushdie

We the undersigned, Iranian authors, poets, academics, journalists, lawyers, and artists express our shock and deep sorrow at the brutal attack against the acclaimed author Salman Rushdie. Among the many edicts issued against him by different fanatic religious leaders in Muslim-majority countries, Ayatollah Khomeini’ fatwa of thirty three years ago was the most damning and had the longest lasting influence. The Islamic regime in Iran kept this obscurantist medieval fatwa alive in complete disregard for freedom of expression and freedom of conscience both inside and outside Iran.  

We strongly condemn this cruel act against Mr. Rushdie and wish him a full and speedy recovery.

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Interview With a Russian Anti-War Feminist About Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

Below is the audio link to my interview with Ella Rossman, a feminist from Russia, a member of the coordinating group of Feminist Anti-War Resistance and a doctoral student at the University College London, who writes about gender and Soviet history.  She talks about the feminist anti-war solidarity with the resistance of Ukrainian people against Putin’s invasion,  and the needed global solidarity to oppose misogyny, racism, capitalist authoritarianism.

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Interview with a Ukrainian Socialist Feminist


Below is the audio link to my interview with Oksana Dutchak, a Ukrainian sociologist and co-editor of Commons, a journal published inside Ukraine.  She talks about the courageous popular resistance to Putin’s brutal invasion,  as well as  the needed solidarity with regional and global struggles against  authoritarianism, racism and misogyny.

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Putin’s War on Ukraine, Syria & the #Me Too Movement

We cannot let the Syria scenario continue in Ukraine.   Given the direct connection which Putin himself has drawn between his invasion of Ukraine and his support of rape and misogyny, it is incumbent upon global feminist activists who are opposed to gender violence to stand up and speak out against this invasion.

Continue reading Putin’s War on Ukraine, Syria & the #Me Too Movement