Join the Solidarity with Iranian Political Prisoners & Oppose Imperialist War Threats Against Iran

Below are short biographies of three Iranian political prisoners who strongly oppose any imperialist intervention in Iran as well as internal state repression and any regional imperialist intervention by Iran or other Middle Eastern states. Each of these prisoners symbolizes an important aspect of the struggle for social justice and against religious dictatorship, authoritarianism and militarism.

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The Particular Features of the Islamic Republic’s Capitalism and the Need for a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism/Militarism

There is no doubt that there are divisions within the Iranian ruling class concerning economic and political approaches. There is no doubt that Iran’s capitalism is inefficient. There is no doubt that the IRGC acts like a Mafia band. However, currently, it seems that the IRGC, the government (president and parliament) and the Guardian Jurist, are all united around the goal of preserving a strong state with a smaller social welfare sector and a much larger military sector.

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The Threat of Wider Wars in the Middle East and the Responsibilities of Socialists

The coming together of Qatar, Iran and Turkey against Saudi Arabia and its allies, showed that coalitions now forming to compete with each other are not strictly based on the Shi’a-Sunni divide. The alliances currently confronting each other are fighting over the control of the region, its capital, and aim to repress any movements for social justice.

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