Review of Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: A Challenge to Pseudo-Anti-Imperialism

Are you are incensed by  the lies of so-called anti-imperialist leftists  who defend Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad?  Do you want to engage in international solidarity with struggles for democracy, social justice and revolutionary transformation in countries that have been plagued by imperialist intervention?  Then this book is a must read for you.

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Exposing the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) & Their “Alternative” to the Islamic Republic

Despite having a woman leader,  Maryam Rajavi,  and despite its claim to support women’s rights and labor rights,  the MEK is a militarist and deeply hierarchical organization/cult that has nothing to offer the Iranian masses but warmongering propaganda.   It stands for US military intervention and undemocratic values.

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