Iran Regime to Punish Unveiled Women with Forced Labor; Labor Union Solidarity Strikes Defend Women’s Rights

At the end of the fourth month of the current uprising in Iran, we can argue that in comparison to previous uprisings in 2009, 2017-18 and 2019, the degree of working-class participation has been greater, and the ways in which the rights of women and minorities are being raised are unprecedented. There is agreement among the majority of the Iranian public that a revolution is needed to open the path to the creation of a peaceful and democratic alternative.

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Is Iran in the Midst of a Feminist Revolution?

Here, I would like to single out some elements of the current uprising which could be clearly characterized as feminist. At the same time, I would like to heed the voices of those Iranian feminists inside Iran who argue that we need a deepening of the content and vision of this struggle in order to call it a feminist revolution.

This article was originally published by Truthout on December 7, 2022

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Iran Protests Against Compulsory Hijab and State Violence

At this time,  international solidarity with women in Iran is critically important in order to help the continuation of the  current  courageous wave of protests  in defense of women and against state brutality.  Iranian feminists have already begun this outreach for dialogue and solidarity.

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Iranian academics & writers condemn the attack against Salman Rushdie

We the undersigned, Iranian authors, poets, academics, journalists, lawyers, and artists express our shock and deep sorrow at the brutal attack against the acclaimed author Salman Rushdie. Among the many edicts issued against him by different fanatic religious leaders in Muslim-majority countries, Ayatollah Khomeini’ fatwa of thirty three years ago was the most damning and had the longest lasting influence. The Islamic regime in Iran kept this obscurantist medieval fatwa alive in complete disregard for freedom of expression and freedom of conscience both inside and outside Iran.  

We strongly condemn this cruel act against Mr. Rushdie and wish him a full and speedy recovery.

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